Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The routine


So these few days had been pretty routinal. LOL, routinal. HEHE! it was a total routine. From mondday till today, wednesday. except for the bbq on tuesday i guess.

So here we go

7 am - *alarm*

7.15 am - moan

7.30am - wakes up frantically

7.45 am - eats mini hotdog buns

7.50am - waits for bus

8 am- walks quickly into school, at the same time trying to keep hair in place

8.10am- dance practice starts

12.30 noon- starve

1 pm- lunch with peeps

2pm- bloated

3pm- bus home bloated

3.30pm- shower

4pm- sleeps

DO YOU PEOPLE SEE HOW BORING LIFE IS! it's boring to even read, and to think i actually have to live it!

oh god. its so boring i have decided to do some homework. how lame am i.


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