Time is really passing really quickly nowadays, i have been busy busy busy, with crap crap crap ...
Exams are over.
It's over
Anyways, i have been doing alot of stuff to relax, i don't give a damn anymore, seriously we even had a class outing last wed, the next day after we had the last paper, and please, listening compre doesn't count...
! ) I finished the entire first season of MAKE IT OR BREAK IT and trust me, it was phe-no-me-nal. I finished the whole season in approx. 4 days, twenty episodes, it was SHIOK, i haven chiong-ed since months before exams
Towards the end i was crying like shit. And i was webcaming with sarah at the same time, so, kinda embarrassing~~ LOL... Now i have to wait till 27 June for the second season, they can't be serious, this show is like freaking awesome i'm telling you, i even put BASS on hold to finish the whole damn thing, and now i can't adjust back to gossip girl, can remember who's dating who now, lols, cant blame me, that show, everyone dates everyone...
@) i just spent one and a half hour blog hopping, visiting pratically everybody's blog i knew of, who cares?!?!? I HAVE THE TIME IN THE WORLD
#) i've been webcaming with many lately~~~~~

haha! ah boy^^^^
$) I have been drinking many campbell soup, it's addictive, i like corn and chicken flavour, totally heavenly...
%) I have to drown myself in 4.5 litres of carbonated drinks, to get the bottle for some pet project or dunnoe what pet robot thing, I DONT NEED A PET RIGHT NOW, i cant even take care of myself, seriously, absurb
^) i just realised i'm not as funny when i'm not complaining, LMAOS, WTH
&) cant wait till 27 june, I CANT WAIT TO SEE IF EMILY AND DAMON IS BACK TGT, i mean, it was valentines day in the show and they broke up, cause damon went to jail, nice. they better be tgt in season 2. and i'm too lazy to change my font colour so just with it, i'm ending soon
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