Hello there, i am gonna share with your some funny pictures on my funny blog, these pictures are shared by my cousin, i'm gonna add in my own comments too..yay~~ damn funny, now laugh, look >>>oya, comments of pictures will be BELOW the picture..

The Ultimate Conditioner

" I'm a monk too, just with hair"

"Scan my stomaaacchh"

"That pervertic over there can't keep his eyes to himself..."

"i'm sorry, i'll ask next time before licking you..."

This lucky guy got a free ride on his predator

Ok, i don get this, it's not funny, it's gross, there's a frog in a packet of vegetables, ewww.."

"Push with all your might!!! I'll go find help while you wait here stupidly!!! HEYHEYHEY"

"I hate slides"

"That is it! We're so over!!!"

"Shhh!!!! I'm a spy"

I know it's hard to believe, but we're twins

"You're Dead Meat

"You're looking at Alice, the world's famous mouse catcher"

"Whatever you wanna say about me being unfriendly, don say it"

"i'm a spy too, just not a good one, i bought the wrong ears, should have went with my fur colour..."

"I feel great after using these anti-dark eye rings lotion!"
"Man, life's bored"
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