Saturday, April 11, 2009

XMS Homecoming 2009

Right, look at the homecoming pictures, it was freaking fun, yarh, I actually had more prepared for you readers, I typed out an entire post from how I got there ( FYI, on a cab, long story) to the end of it, but somehow the dang thingy didn’t save, and I lost the whole post, which is like damn long, like the scroll thingy at the side is actually thin, very thin…get it? The scroll thingy??

Then I was fucking pissed, then I shut the whole com down and told myself “ARHHHGG time then blog larh!”then I realised it’s been a week since homecoming, actually more than a week, so yarh, I decided to blog now..

HEHES ..ZW took all the pictures ( she was hogging the camera and refuse to give it to me, saying it was her batteries,LOLS) Take a look at the pictures first…

My cousins came to support!!


I am officially a retard

An ugly side of Yee Heng...WAAHAAHA, wait, i thought he's always like that..

We're listening, Fishy, where shall we take the cookie

Murphy explaining one of his theories...

Ok, i'm quite attentive...

GOD, a nightmare smile,

Dunking Picture, i donnoe hu, but yay...

Dunnoe why the hell ZW took this, REMEMBER? she took all the pics..

Dunking machine!!

THE CANTEEN is practically filled with people

LEt's help

HAH, Yee Heng's Haunted House

OOHH, the people

LOOK at the crowd

The back of the classs tee( I think that’s pengwai’s back)

Our SLIME, how SLIMEY( as you can guess, I was being ironic again, god, I love that word..ironic..)


WWEEEEE,, ZW and Cheng Yih ( ok, I dunnoe how to spell his name..)

A chalky poster…

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