Monday, February 16, 2009

So did you enjoy the fire drill exercise?

WHAT A STUPID QUESTION How would you like to stay in the sun for an hour, siting on some dried up grass, looking at teachers drink water under the shade? YUCK... so there was a fire drill exercise at XinminSec this SUNNY, EXCRUCIATINGLY WARM afternoon, and the whole school( i think) was sitting at the field, waiting to turn into puddles of students. So people were either melting, fanning themselves, reading( these people are like magical creatures of something, reading in the sun, i mean, come on!), or throwing grass at each other...

Unfortunately for Zhongwei ( who was allegic to grass in some way,) got alot of grass thrown on her, inside her, by her *AHEM* she started screaming like nobody's buisnness, but instead, Weixian( who was sitting behind us with pengwai), started rubbing a grass( yes, A grass, one grass, ONE) on her arm for 2 seconds flat( two seconds, YES, two) and Zw's arm started itching like hell, so thanks alot FISHY...hehe..

And we had nothing to do there( i mean, what can you do on the field except melt?) so the guys started throwing grass around( Jasmund became bushy grass man), And then some 206 guy, pengwai's friend apparently, started digging a hole ( supposely NCC style..)WTH, and THEY ACTUALLY FOUND A MUSHROOM..LMAO, a mushroom can survive in the trememdous heat... at least i think it was a mushroom, that's what they said....Apart from digging holes and throwing grass, people were also queneing up for the toilet, HAHAs, escape from the heat, hehe..

So me and ZW took out cards from our wallets to fan doesn't we decided to play grass too, tearing them into was freakin bored, hot, and weell. kinda fun actually, then we saw a devastating thing----------The teachers had drinks under a huge umbrella, and teachers were fanning each other with big cardboard boxes, LMAO..And we're sitting under the sun like nobody's buissness, the best part of this whole thing is when it ends...


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