Okay, so it took me quite awhile to get over the tragic on arriving late for dance( see previous post) and shall stop talkinng about it now... Anyways,,LET US BEGIN THE STORY OF THE DANCE CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Day 1
So we arrived late ( i can't believe i mentioned it again) and then once we get into the dance room, our "home" for the next 22 hours, the dancers were introducing themselves in those getting to know each other games( i hate those) and we were suppose to say you name and something bout yourself..and i didn't know what to say so i stupidly said " My name is JingYi and i like dogs??..." and earned some cheers from the other dog lovers...lols.
Then we played wacko and all..then we rehearsed for the dance for the nights' graduation seniors ( which me and Jolyn missed cause of the ******ok fine ...the word is tragic...) And we just sheepishly followed...And dang! it was awkward...And we played some team building games, like picture hunt, and see which team can stand on the smallest piece of newspaper...
YUM...the served Nasi Lemak..haha...you can choose either chicken or fish.. and in this case, more people chose chicken, which turned out, the fish one is nicer..oh well. i'm one of those who chose chicken.. how fantastic...but nevermind i enjoyed the lunch though ( apart from Jolyn's constant comment on how " i am very very very full..i ate Mcdonald's just now ..i am damn bloated".. which surprisingly, she became very very hungry at night.. i bet she dreamt of chips cause she couldn't but but that's another story about giving away your change to people cause you thought you were not allowed to go out to the vending machine but you saw that person took your change and went outside..and Jolyn said " this is so bored..i'm hungry,,and we were so stupid to forget that the camp is today, and so stupid that we actually give other people our change"...yup) And now all the way back to the lunch part...
After lunch, we slacked in the dance room, and just lie down and talk about going Genting..lols...And then it was Captain ball's time ( like we never have enough in P.E lessons) And we get to play with the seniors and boy, they are good...so yeah..haha...There's really nth much to elaborate abbout the captain ball activity..(unless you want me to elaborate on how badly we lost)
Later, it was slacking again...and then graduation ceremony for dance seniors!!!! ( why am i so excited.. it's not like i'm graduating..) Then the seniors came back and took their plug(if that's how you spell it) anyway.. it's something like a medal larh...Then guess wads next? we performed our ridiculous dance to them.. but it was quite fun actually.. i mean, looking at the seniors graduate..i wish i coould be like them in the future... you know.. it's like they have something special in each of them..haha..
Best moment of the camp( i guess i was really hungry) .. and they actually ordered buffet how nice...and it was yumyum..with no one talking at all throughout the dinner... i was like, having a little headache.. but it was okay.. ! FUNFUN..and we changed into our leotard a.k.a shirt you wear when you dance..wadeva larh...Then we had a workshop that you don wanna be there....
Instuctor: some Dann guy which was a ex Xinmin Student
Course: Contemporary dance
Overall: Fun, tiring, good experience, scary, weird, i dunnoe this is good or bad
So the Dann guy, is some ex-Xinmin student and graduated in 1999( he's old..haha..ignore this)
and he's a dance teacher for JC student.. and boy, he's good...then we were all in hell when he kept going " 1 and 2 and 3 and 4..5 and 6 ...." " andJUMP!.JUMP!,Jump!..good!..NO....!Jump and 2 and 3 and 4"
And he has weird ways of naming his dance moves >>>" paint the walls,and turn and basketball..2,3, and jump and centre right centre left..Elbow, and indian dance and dong ciang...Turn turn, and emo, 2, 3 ,and 4, prepare and jump and centre and right and centre and left..."
Another thing is he thinks we can record wadva he says ...for example >>>" so it's right, left, right left, parallel parallel( when our feet come together to jump), then repeat left right 4 times, then verse,verse(when our feet make a V shape and jump) and then lefmgjnufv( he was trying to say left right but said it too fast)...then parallel parallel,verse verse, then parallel parallel verse verse..okay?"
And before we even realised he's talking, he went" okay, start, six by six"
And we all gulp...
he was literally saying" parallel parallel, verse verse, parallel verse parallel verse..blah blah blah...: and go" understand right?Ok jump!"
Then it was " quater turn , 4 times, half turn, then whole turn, then half half, whole..Start"
And " all these are very straight forward(yeah right) one, ok? use some brain... come, "
And we were suppose to do side split... and right and left..and hold there untill the song ( which i dunnoe why is Rihanna's <>) finish, and if one person comes up, the whole team do again..arhhgggg...torture,,you don wanna try splitting and listening " murderer...wooooaoohh....i donwana do this anymore..." actually it kinda suit us... not wanting to do it anymore...and we have to hold there till the whole song finish...
He 's fun, and kinda funny, and very warm, unlike Zhou Lao Shi, who's kinda cold during our practice..anyway, he's also like very focus on the teaching, and makes the lesson interesting, and he dance along with us...he says" you must do, don just stand there! At least when you try , you have muscle memory, then if you don do huh, just stand there the teacher in the end have to do again.. if the teacher very old how? huh?"haha..lols
( No, this is the best moment of the camp, not dinner)
We were all stinky and all from our pratice with Dann.. so the shower was definitely good...
Apart from queuing.. but everyone gets to take their own sweet time, just not too long, sso it was worth the wait..which brings me back to the P6 transition camp at Punggol. they start banging the doors of your cubicle just when you only took off you clothes..how nice..anyway, some girls when to the boys' toilet cause there aren't gonna be any boys at 10+ at night ...
After showering, the headache came back, torturin me like siao throughout the entire Kung fu panda movie...And then we snuggle into our sleeping bag and sleep like babies( just without pillows)...LOOK>>>
And we turned the dance room into some sleeping bag paradise

I'm officially a hideous freak...!!!! But it's all for the memories so dun look at my face and you'll be fine...
We woke up and went home
Short ans sweet( actually i'm too lazy to list the details, but basically, nth funny happened)
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